Universal Wires
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Woven Mesh

The main reasons people choose to exclude pests from their homes and buildings are the hygiene and annoyance factors of insects that can carry diseases. Also food preparation industries must adhere to environmental regulations upholding hygienic conditions against these pests. Soffit mesh is used underneath guttering to prevent insects especially wasps and birds from accessing lofts where they can cause nuisances of themselves.

There are several considerations in choosing an insect screen, notably the size of the pests or insects that must be excluded: The aesthetics of the location, the life expectancy required of the mesh and also if the material will be subject to direct vandalism or the actions of pets.

The standard and cheapest range of insect meshes are the fiberglass rolls which are available in black and grey

The powder coated Aluminum meshes are good for windows doors and soffets and come in a range of colours from black and grey, which are the most see through. Also available in an attractive range of bright colours, blue, green, red, and yellow .
If life expectancy is a strong consideration or you have vandalistic pets a stainless steel mesh would be required. Its strength and clean look make it a popular choice in modern homes.
If antique aesthetics are required in a traditional home, or in the case of preserving a historical building, brass and copper screens are common. brass is the more durable of the two materials.
Soffit mesh is necessary due to building regulations that require a gap to be left at the eaves above an insulating ceiling to provide ventilation. This leaves an easy access point for annoying and damaging pests. The insect screen comes in long thin strips of varying widths to suit, and can be stapled in place.
An alternative to the woven wire insect screen is the aluminum and stainless expanded which is stronger than the woven wire  

Wire Mesh

Hexagonal mesh

M S Welded Mesh

G.I Welded Mesh

PVC Coated Welded mesh

Woven Mesh
